Flinders Private Hospital, Bedford Park, South Australia (WI)
Concept design and design development for six storey private hospital facility integrated within the Flinders Medical Centre complex and connecting to existing medical buildings.
Flinders Medical Centre – Cancer Care Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia (WI)
Concept design for new research laboratories and emergency helicopter pad integrated in to the Flinders Medical Centre Campus.
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Redevelopment, Woodville, South Australia (WI/TCL)
Masterplan for future redevelopment of hospital site. Concept design, design development and contract documentation for Stage 1 Inpatient ward building and surrounding gardens – RAIA Award, AILA Award.
SA Breast X-Ray Service, SA Health Commission, Adelaide, South Australia (TA)
Design development, contract documentation, and contract administration for Arndale Clinic, Salisbury Clinic, Main Co-ordination Unit, Wayville. RAIA Award.
JFA I Jim Fitzpatrick Architects Pty Ltd | TCL I Taylor Cullity Lethlean |
TA I Tridente Architects | WI I Woodhead International |
HG I Hedley Group | CB I Sir Michael Curtain, Curtain Bros. |